Mercruiser 3.0 Parts

Mercruiser 3.0 & 3.0 LX Engine Parts

We can supply replacement parts for all Mercruiser 3.0 litre engines including the 3.0L LX models, all you need to start shopping for parts is your engine serial number and then select your model from the list below.

The Mercruiser 3.0L engine, is a popular marine engine manufactured by Mercury Marine. It is a four-cylinder petrol engine typically producing between 135 and 140 horsepower (depending on the age and model of the engine). Designed for use in boats and other marine applications, commonly used in stern drive configurations.

For help finding the right Mercuiser 3.0l parts for your boat, contact us via, or call +44(0)1923 276000 and our specialist team will be able to help identify the parts you need.

If you need parts for a different Mercruiser petrol engine click here to return to the main category

Model Production Years Serial Number Range
3.0L 1998 to 1998 0L010042 to 0L096999
3.0L 1999 to 2005 0L097000 to 0W301999
3.0L 1990 to 1994 0C856559 to 0F353099
3.0L 1A002000 to 1A020543
3.0L 0W302000 to 1A001999
3.0L 1982 to 1989 06229718 to 0C856558
3.0L 1A020544 to 2A999999
3.0LX 1990 to 1995 0C856559 to 0F603999
3.0LX 1996 to 1997 0F604000 to 0K999999
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